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HUGOTON ROYALTY TRUST - Quarter Report: 2010 March (Form 10-Q)

Unassociated Document

Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 10-Q


For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2010



Commission File Number:  1-10476

Hugoton Royalty Trust
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of
(I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)
Identification No.)

U.S. Trust, Bank of America
Private Wealth Management
P.O. Box 830650, Dallas, Texas
(Address of principal executive offices)
(Zip Code)

                                (877) 228-5083                                
  (Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)

(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if change since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes þ  No ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files). Yes ¨ No ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer or a smaller reporting company.  See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer” and “smaller reporting company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act (check one):

Large accelerated filer  þ 
Accelerated filer  ¨
Non-accelerated filer  ¨ (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) 
Smaller reporting company  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2).  Yes  o  No  þ
Indicate the number of units of beneficial interest outstanding, as of the latest practicable date:

Outstanding as of April 1, 2010










The following are definitions of significant terms used in this Form 10-Q:

Barrel (of oil)
Thousand cubic feet (of natural gas)
One million British Thermal Units, a common energy measurement
net proceeds
Gross proceeds received by XTO Energy from sale of production from the underlying properties, less applicable costs, as defined in the net profits interest conveyances
net profits income
Net proceeds multiplied by the net profits percentage of 80%, which is paid to the trust by XTO Energy.  “Net profits income” is referred to as “royalty income” for tax reporting purposes.
net profits interest
An interest in an oil and gas property measured by net profits from the sale of production, rather than a specific portion of production.  The following defined net profits interests were conveyed to the trust from the underlying properties:
80% net profits interests - interests that entitle the trust to receive 80% of the net proceeds from the underlying properties.
underlying properties
XTO Energy’s interest in certain oil and gas properties from which the net profits interests were conveyed.  The underlying properties include working interests in predominantly gas-producing properties located in Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming.
working interest
An operating interest in an oil and gas property that provides the owner a specified share of production that is subject to all production expense and development costs





Item 1.  Financial Statements.

The condensed financial statements included herein are presented, without audit, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in annual financial statements have been condensed or omitted pursuant to such rules and regulations, although the trustee believes that the disclosures are adequate to make the information presented not misleading.  These condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the trust’s financial statements and the notes thereto included in the trust’s Annual Report on Form 10-K.  In the opinion of the trustee, all adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments, necessary to present fairly the assets, liabilities and trust corpus of the Hugoton Royalty Trust at March 31, 2010 and the distributable income and changes in trust corpus for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010 and 2009 have been included.  Distributable income for such interim periods is not necessarily indicative of the distributable income for the full year.




Bank of America, N.A., as Trustee
  for the Hugoton Royalty Trust:

We have reviewed the accompanying condensed statement of assets, liabilities and trust corpus of the Hugoton Royalty Trust as of March 31, 2010 and the related condensed statements of distributable income and changes in trust corpus for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010 and 2009.  These condensed financial statements are the responsibility of the trustee.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures to financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

The accompanying condensed financial statements are prepared on a modified cash basis as described in Note 1 which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the condensed financial statements referred to above for them to be in conformity with the basis of accounting described in Note 1.

We have previously audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the statement of assets, liabilities and trust corpus of the Hugoton Royalty Trust as of December 31, 2009, and the related statements of distributable income and changes in trust corpus for the year then ended (not presented herein), included in the trust’s 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K, and in our report dated February 22, 2010, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements.  In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying condensed statement of assets, liabilities and trust corpus as of December 31, 2009 is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the statement of assets, liabilities and trust corpus included in the trust’s 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K from which it has been derived.


Fort Worth, Texas
April 26, 2010




Condensed Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Trust Corpus

March 31,
December 31,
Cash and short-term investments
  $ 5,653,480     $ 4,284,800  
Net profits interests in oil and gas properties - net (Note 1)
    136,036,821       139,877,580  
    $ 141,690,301     $ 144,162,380  
Distribution payable to unitholders
  $ 5,653,480     $ 4,284,800  
Trust corpus (40,000,000 units of beneficial interest authorized and outstanding)
    136,036,821       139,877,580  
    $ 141,690,301     $ 144,162,380  

The accompanying notes to condensed financial statements are an integral part of these statements.




Condensed Statements of Distributable Income (Unaudited)

Three Months Ended
March 31
Net profits income
  $ 16,899,222     $ 5,777,425  
Interest income
    102       132  
Total income
    16,899,324       5,777,557  
Administration expense
    334,204       312,197  
Distributable income
  $ 16,565,120     $ 5,465,360  
Distributable income per unit (40,000,000 units)
  $ 0.414128     $ 0.136634  

The accompanying notes to condensed financial statements are an integral part of these statements.




Condensed Statements of Changes in Trust Corpus (Unaudited)

Three Months Ended
March 31
Trust corpus, beginning of period
  $ 139,877,580     $ 146,722,015  
Amortization of net profits interests
    (3,840,759 )     (1,195,051 )
Distributable income
    16,565,120       5,465,360  
Distributions declared
    (16,565,120 )     (5,465,360 )
Trust corpus, end of period
  $ 136,036,821     $ 145,526,964  

The accompanying notes to condensed financial statements are an integral part of these statements.




Notes to Condensed Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Basis of Accounting

The financial statements of Hugoton Royalty Trust are prepared on the following basis and are not intended to present financial position and results of operations in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”):

Net profits income recorded for a month is the amount computed and paid by XTO Energy Inc., the owner of the underlying properties, to Bank of America, N.A., as trustee for the trust.  Net profits income consists of net proceeds received by XTO Energy from the underlying properties in the prior month, multiplied by a net profits percentage of 80%.

Costs deducted in the calculation of net proceeds for the 80% net profits interests generally include applicable taxes, transportation, marketing and legal costs, production expense, development costs, operating charges and other costs.

Net profits income is computed separately for each of three conveyances under which the net profits interests were conveyed to the trust.  If monthly costs exceed revenues for any conveyance, such excess costs must be recovered, with accrued interest, from future net proceeds of that conveyance and cannot reduce net proceeds from the other conveyances.

Trust expenses are recorded based on liabilities paid and cash reserves established by the trustee for liabilities and contingencies.

Distributions to unitholders are recorded when declared by the trustee.

The trust’s financial statements differ from those prepared in conformity with U.S. GAAP because revenues are recognized when received rather than accrued in the month of production, expenses are recognized when paid rather than when incurred and certain cash reserves may be established by the trustee for contingencies which would not be recorded under U.S. GAAP.  This comprehensive basis of accounting other than U.S. GAAP corresponds to the accounting permitted for royalty trusts by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as specified by Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 12:E, Financial Statements of Royalty Trusts.

Most accounting pronouncements apply to entities whose financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP, directing such entities to accrue or defer revenues and expenses in a period other than when such revenues were received or expenses were paid.  Because the trust’s financial statements are prepared on the modified cash basis, as described above, most accounting pronouncements are not applicable to the trust’s financial statements.

The initial carrying value of the net profits interests of $247,066,951 represents XTO Energy’s historical net book value for the interests on December 1, 1998, the date of the transfer to the trust.  Amortization of the net profits interests is calculated on a unit-of-production basis and charged directly to trust corpus.  Accumulated amortization was $111,030,130 as of March 31, 2010 and $107,189,371 as of December 31, 2009.



Development Costs

The following summarizes actual development costs, budgeted development costs deducted in the calculation of net profits income, and the cumulative actual costs compared to the amount deducted:

Three Months Ended
March 31
Cumulative actual costs under (over) the amount deducted - beginning of period
  $ 909,477     $ (7,314,084 )
Actual costs
    (1,420,113 )     (8,280,561 )
Budgeted costs deducted
    1,500,000       12,000,000  
Cumulative actual costs under (over) the amount deducted - end of period
  $ 989,364     $ (3,594,645 )

The monthly development cost deduction was $4.0 million from the January 2009 distribution through the  March 2009 distribution.  As a result of decreased development activity and revisions to the 2009 development budget, the development cost deduction was decreased to $2.0 million beginning with the April 2009 distribution, to $1.0 million beginning with the June 2009 distribution and to $500,000 beginning with the September 2009 distribution and was maintained at that level through the March 2010 distribution.  XTO Energy has advised the trustee that revised total 2010 budgeted development costs for the underlying properties are between $8 million and $10 million.  The monthly deduction is based on the current level of development expenditures, budgeted future development costs and the cumulative actual costs under (over) previous deductions.  XTO Energy has advised the trustee that this monthly deduction will continue to be evaluated and revised as necessary.


An amended petition for a class action lawsuit, Beer, et al. v. XTO Energy Inc., was filed in January 2006 in the District Court of Texas County, Oklahoma by certain royalty owners of natural gas wells in Oklahoma and Kansas. The plaintiffs allege that XTO Energy has not properly accounted to the plaintiffs for the royalties to which they are entitled and seek an accounting regarding the natural gas and other products produced from their wells and the prices paid for the natural gas and other products produced, and for payment of the monies allegedly owed since June 2002, with a certain limited number of plaintiffs claiming monies owed for additional time. XTO Energy removed the case to federal district court in Oklahoma City. A hearing on the class certification was conducted in October 2008. At the class certification hearing, the plaintiffs sought to certify a class of royalty owners whose wells were connected to a processing plant owned by a subsidiary of XTO Energy in the Hugoton Field, with two sub-classes consisting of owners in Oklahoma and Kansas.  In March 2009, the court granted the motion to certify the class.  The plaintiffs filed a motion for summary judgment for only the two named plaintiffs.  The court granted the motion in the amount of $12,779.  A motion for summary judgment related to the remainder of the class was denied.  Trial was scheduled for April 2010; however, the court vacated the trial date.  At a hearing in April 2010, the court ruled that the class representatives were no longer proper representatives and stated that it is considering whether to dismiss class counsel or decertify the class in whole or in part.  In a subsequent ruling in April 2010, the court decertified the class.  XTO Energy has informed the trustee that it believes that it has strong defenses to this lawsuit and intends to vigorously defend its position. However, if XTO Energy ultimately makes any settlement payments or receives a judgment against it, the trust will bear its 80% share of such settlement or judgment related to production from the underlying properties. Additionally, if a judgment or settlement increases the amount of future payments to royalty owners, the trust would bear its proportionate share of the increased payments through reduced net proceeds. XTO Energy has informed the trustee that, although the amount of any reduction in net proceeds

is not presently determinable, in its management’s opinion, the amount is not currently expected to be material to the trust’s annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.  It could, however, result in costs exceeding revenues on the properties underlying the Oklahoma and Kansas net profit interests for one or more monthly distributions, depending on the size of the judgment or settlement, if any, and the net proceeds being paid at that time.

In September 2008, a class action lawsuit was filed against XTO Energy styled Wallace B. Roderick Revocable Living Trust, et al. v. XTO Energy Inc. in the District Court of Kearny County, Kansas. XTO Energy removed the case to federal court in Wichita, Kansas. The plaintiffs allege that XTO Energy has improperly taken post-production costs from royalties paid to the plaintiffs from wells located in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado. The plaintiffs also seek to represent all royalty owners in these three states as a class. The plaintiffs’ claims overlap the claims made by the plaintiffs in the Beer case as to certain properties. XTO Energy has answered, denying all claims, and has filed motions to dismiss a portion of the claims.  The federal court recently granted XTO Energy’s motion for summary judgment concerning prior settled class actions that overlap plaintiffs’ proposed class action.  The court also granted XTO Energy’s motion to dismiss those portions of plaintiffs’ class that are currently being prosecuted in the Beer class action discussed above.  XTO Energy has informed the trustee that it believes that XTO Energy has strong defenses to this lawsuit and intends to vigorously defend its position. However, if XTO Energy ultimately makes any settlement payments or receives a judgment against it, the trust will bear its 80% share of such settlement or judgment related to production from the underlying properties. Additionally, if the judgment or settlement increases the amount of future payments to royalty owners, the trust would bear its proportionate share of the increased payments through reduced net proceeds. XTO Energy has informed the trustee that, although the amount of any reduction in net proceeds is not presently determinable, in its management’s opinion, the amount is not currently expected to be material to the trust’s annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.  It could, however, result in costs exceeding revenues on the properties underlying the Oklahoma and Kansas net profit interests for one or more monthly distributions, depending on the size of the judgment or settlement, if any, and the net proceeds being paid at that time.

Certain of the underlying properties are involved in various other lawsuits and certain governmental proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. XTO Energy has advised the trustee that it does not believe that the ultimate resolution of these claims will have a material effect on trust annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.

Excess Costs

Costs exceeded revenues by $513,475 ($410,780 to the trust) on properties underlying the Kansas net profits interests in October and November 2009.  Lower gas prices due to reduced demand as a result of the U.S. recession and excess supply caused costs to exceed revenues on properties underlying the Kansas net profits interests. However, these excess costs did not reduce net proceeds from the remaining conveyances. XTO Energy advised the trustee that increased gas prices led to the partial recovery of excess costs of $410,957 ($328,766 net to the trust), plus accrued interest of $1,958 ($1,566 net to the trust) in December 2009 and the full recovery of excess costs of $102,518 ($82,014 net to the trust), plus accrued interest of $282 ($226 net to the trust) in January 2010.



XTO Energy Inc.

On December 13, 2009, XTO Energy entered into a definitive merger agreement with Exxon Mobil Corporation under which XTO Energy would become a wholly owned subsidiary of ExxonMobil.  The completion of this merger is subject to certain conditions, including approval of the merger agreement by XTO Energy stockholders and certain government and regulatory approvals.  The merger is not expected to have a material effect on trust annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.  The merger is expected to close in the second quarter of 2010.

Item 2.  Trustee’s Discussion and Analysis.

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the trustee’s discussion and analysis contained in the trust’s 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K, as well as the condensed financial statements and notes thereto included in this quarterly report on Form 10-Q.  The trust’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and all amendments to those reports are available on the trust’s web site at

Distributable Income

For the quarter ended March 31, 2010, net profits income was $16,899,222, as compared to $5,777,425 for first quarter 2009.  Increased net profits income is primarily the result of lower development costs and increased oil and gas prices, partially offset by decreased gas production.  See “Net Profits Income” below.

After adding interest income of $102 and deducting administration expense of $334,204, distributable income for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 was $16,565,120, or $0.414128 per unit of beneficial interest. Changes in interest income are attributable to fluctuations in net profits income and interest rates.  Administration expense for the quarter increased from the prior year quarter primarily because of costs related to the transfer agent change in 2009.  For first quarter 2009, distributable income was $5,465,360 or $0.136634 per unit.

Distributions to unitholders for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 were:

Record Date
Payment Date
per Unit
January 29, 2010
February 12, 2010
  $ 0.134756  
February 26, 2010
March 12, 2010
March 31, 2010
April 15, 2010
        $ 0.414128  

Net Profits Income

Net profits income is recorded when received by the trust, which is the month following receipt by XTO Energy, and generally two months after oil and gas production.  Net profits income is generally affected by three major factors:

oil and gas sales volumes,

oil and gas sales prices, and

costs deducted in the calculation of net profits income.



The following is a summary of the calculation of net profits income received by the trust:

Three Months
Ended March 31 (a)
Sales Volumes
Gas (Mcf) (b)
Underlying properties
    5,930,951       7,110,265       (17 )%
Average per day
    64,467       77,285       (17 )%
Net profits interests
    3,214,078       1,453,926       121 %
Oil (Bbls) (b)
Underlying properties
    63,224       64,618       (2 )%
Average per day
    687       702       (2 )%
Net profits interests
    34,326       14,489       137 %
Average Sales Prices
Gas (per Mcf)
  $ 5.12     $ 3.97       29 %
Oil (per Bbl)
  $ 71.94     $ 44.95       60 %
Gas sales
  $ 30,395,168     $ 28,196,191       8 %
Oil sales
    4,548,370       2,904,317       57 %
Total Revenues
    34,943,538       31,100,508       12 %
Taxes, transportation and other
    4,190,371       3,785,880       11 %
Production expense
    5,306,891       5,527,988       (4 )%
Development costs (c)
    1,500,000       12,000,000       (88 )%
    2,719,449       2,564,859       6 %
Excess costs (d)
    102,800       -       -  
Total Costs
    13,819,511       23,878,727       (42 )%
Net Proceeds
    21,124,027       7,221,781       193 %
Net Profits Percentage
    80 %     80 %        
Net Profits Income
  $ 16,899,222     $ 5,777,425       193 %

Because of the two-month interval between time of production and receipt of net profits income by the trust, oil and gas sales for the quarter ended March 31 generally represent production for the period November through January.

Oil and gas sales volumes are allocated to the net profits interests based upon a formula that considers oil and gas prices and the total amount of production expense and development costs.  Changes in any of these factors may result in disproportionate fluctuations in volumes allocated to the net profits interests.  Therefore, comparative discussion of oil and gas sales volumes is based on the underlying properties.

See Note 2 to Condensed Financial Statements.

See Note 4 to Condensed Financial Statements.

The following are explanations of significant variances on the underlying properties from first quarter 2009 to first quarter 2010:
Sales Volumes

Gas sales volumes decreased 17% and oil sales volumes decreased 2% from first quarter 2009 to first quarter 2010.  Decreased gas and oil sales volumes are primarily because of the timing of cash receipts and natural production decline, partially offset by increased production from new wells and workovers.

Sales Prices


The first quarter 2010 average gas price was $5.12 per Mcf, a 29% increase from the first quarter 2009 average gas price of $3.97 per Mcf.  Natural gas prices are affected by the level of North American production, weather, crude oil prices, the U.S. economy, storage levels and import levels of liquefied natural gas.  Due to concerns of oversupply from shale gas development, declining demand due to the U.S. recession, falling oil prices and increased gas storage, gas prices declined during the first nine months of 2009.  However, signs of possible economic improvement, higher oil prices and a relatively cold winter led to increased gas prices in late 2009 and early 2010.  Gas prices have weakened substantially in February and March 2010 due to renewed concerns of oversupply.  Natural gas prices are expected to remain volatile.  The first quarter 2010 gas price is primarily related to production from November 2009 through January 2010, when the average NYMEX price was $4.86 per MMBtu.  The average NYMEX price for February and March 2010 was $5.05 per MMBtu.  At April 16, 2010, the average NYMEX futures price for the following twelve months was $4.76 per MMBtu.  Recent trust gas prices have averaged approximately 8% higher than the NYMEX price.


The first quarter 2010 average oil price was $71.94 per Bbl, a 60% increase from the first quarter 2009 average oil price of $44.95 per Bbl.  Lower demand as a result of the U.S. recession and slowing global economy, the tightened credit markets and rising crude oil supplies caused oil prices to decline sharply in 2008.  However, signs of possible economic improvement have resulted in steadily higher oil prices during 2009 and early 2010.  Oil prices are expected to remain volatile.  The first quarter 2009 oil price is primarily related to production from November 2009 through January 2010, when the average NYMEX price was $76.81 per Bbl.  The average NYMEX price for February and March 2010 was $78.74 per Bbl.  At April 16, 2010, the average NYMEX futures price for the following twelve months was $87.61 per Bbl.  Recent trust oil prices have averaged approximately 5% lower than the NYMEX price.


Taxes, Transportation and Other

Taxes, transportation and other increased 11% for the first quarter primarily because of increased production taxes related to higher oil and gas revenues and increased property taxes related to the timing of cash disbursements.


Production expense decreased 4% for the first quarter primarily because of decreased compressor, water disposal and labor costs, partially offset by mechanical and marketing rebates included in 2009 and increased fuel, facilities and repairs and maintenance costs.




Development costs deducted in the calculation of net profits income are based on the development budget.  These development costs for first quarter 2010 decreased 88% from the prior year quarter primarily because of decreased development activity.  During the first three months of 2010, no wells were completed on the underlying properties and two wells were pending completion at March 31.

As of December 31, 2009, cumulative budgeted costs exceeded cumulative actual costs by approximately $0.9 million.  In calculating net profits income for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, XTO Energy deducted budgeted development costs of $1.5 million.  After considering actual development costs of $1.4 million for the quarter, cumulative budgeted costs deducted exceeded actual costs by $1.0 million.  First quarter actual development costs primarily relate to disbursements for development activity in fourth quarter 2009.

XTO Energy has advised the trustee that revised total 2010 budgeted development costs for the underlying properties are between $8 million and $10 million.  The 2010 budget year generally coincides with the trust distribution months from April 2010 through March 2011.  The monthly development cost deduction will be reevaluated by XTO Energy and revised as necessary, based on the 2010 budget and the timing and amount of actual expenditures.  See Note 2 to Condensed Financial Statements.


Overhead increased 6% primarily because of the annual rate adjustment based on an industry index.

Excess Costs

Costs exceeded revenues by $513,475 ($410,780 to the trust) on properties underlying the Kansas net profits interests in October and November 2009.  Lower gas prices due to reduced demand as a result of the U.S. recession and excess supply caused costs to exceed revenues on properties underlying the Kansas net profits interests. However, these excess costs did not reduce net proceeds from the remaining conveyances.  XTO Energy advised the trustee that increased gas prices led to the partial recovery of excess costs of $410,957 ($328,766 net to the trust), plus accrued interest of $1,958 ($1,566 net to the trust) in December 2009 and the full recovery of excess costs of $102,518 ($82,014 net to the trust), plus accrued interest of $282 ($226 net to the trust) in January 2010.


On December 13, 2009, XTO Energy entered into a definitive merger agreement with Exxon Mobil Corporation under which XTO Energy would become a wholly owned subsidiary of ExxonMobil.  The completion of this merger is subject to certain conditions, including approval of the merger agreement by XTO Energy stockholders and certain government and regulatory approvals.  The merger is not expected to have a material effect on trust annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.  The merger is expected to close in the second quarter of 2010.



Forward-Looking Statements

This Form 10-Q includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this Form 10-Q, including, without limitation, statements regarding the net profits interests, underlying properties, development activities, annual and monthly development, production and other costs and expenses, monthly development cost deductions, oil and gas prices and differentials to NYMEX prices, supply levels, future drilling, workover and restimulation plans, distributions to unitholders and industry and market conditions, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties which are detailed in Part I, Item 1A of the trust’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, which is incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein.  Although XTO Energy and the trustee believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, neither XTO Energy nor the trustee can give any assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.

There have been no material changes in the trust’s market risks from the information disclosed in Part II, Item 7A of the trust’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009.

Item 4.  Controls and Procedures.

As of the end of the period covered by this report, the trustee carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the trust’s disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15.  Based upon that evaluation, the trustee concluded that the trust’s disclosure controls and procedures are effective in recording, processing, summarizing and reporting, on a timely basis, information required to be disclosed by the trust in the reports that it files or submits under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are effective in ensuring that information required to be disclosed by the trust in the reports that it files or submits under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is accumulated and communicated to the trustee to allow timely decisions regarding disclosure.  In its evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures, the trustee has relied, to the extent considered reasonable, on information provided by XTO Energy.  There has not been any change in the trust’s internal control over financial reporting during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the trust’s internal control over financial reporting.




Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.

An amended petition for a class action lawsuit, Beer, et al. v. XTO Energy Inc., was filed in January 2006 in the District Court of Texas County, Oklahoma by certain royalty owners of natural gas wells in Oklahoma and Kansas. The plaintiffs allege that XTO Energy has not properly accounted to the plaintiffs for the royalties to which they are entitled and seek an accounting regarding the natural gas and other products produced from their wells and the prices paid for the natural gas and other products produced, and for payment of the monies allegedly owed since June 2002, with a certain limited number of plaintiffs claiming monies owed for additional time. XTO Energy removed the case to federal district court in Oklahoma City. A hearing on the class certification was conducted in October 2008. At the class certification hearing, the plaintiffs sought to certify a class of royalty owners whose wells were connected to a processing plant owned by a subsidiary of XTO Energy in the Hugoton Field, with two sub-classes consisting of owners in Oklahoma and Kansas.  In March 2009, the court granted the motion to certify the class.  The plaintiffs filed a motion for summary judgment for only the two named plaintiffs.  The court granted the motion in the amount of $12,779.  A motion for summary judgment related to the remainder of the class was denied.  Trial was scheduled for April 2010; however, the court vacated the trial date.  At a hearing in April 2010, the court ruled that the class representatives were no longer proper representatives and stated that it is considering whether to dismiss class counsel or decertify the class in whole or in part.  In a subsequent ruling in April 2010, the court decertified the class.  XTO Energy has informed the trustee that it believes that it has strong defenses to this lawsuit and intends to vigorously defend its position. However, if XTO Energy ultimately makes any settlement payments or receives a judgment against it, the trust will bear its 80% share of such settlement or judgment related to production from the underlying properties. Additionally, if a judgment or settlement increases the amount of future payments to royalty owners, the trust would bear its proportionate share of the increased payments through reduced net proceeds. XTO Energy has informed the trustee that, although the amount of any reduction in net proceeds is not presently determinable, in its management’s opinion, the amount is not currently expected to be material to the trust’s annual distributable income, financial position or liquidity.  It could, however, result in costs exceeding revenues on the properties underlying the Oklahoma and Kansas net profit interests for one or more monthly distributions, depending on the size of the judgment or settlement, if any, and the net proceeds being paid at that time.

Item 1A.  Risk Factors.

There have been no material changes in the risk factors disclosed under Part I, Item 1A of the trust’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009.

Items 2 through 5.

Not applicable.




Exhibit Number
and Description
Awareness letter of KPMG LLP
Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification
Section 1350 Certification
Items 1A, 7 and 7A to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for Hugoton Royalty Trust filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 23, 2010 (incorporated herein by reference)




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

/s/ Nancy G. Willis
Nancy G. Willis
Vice President
Date: April 26, 2010
/s/ Louis G. Baldwin
Louis G. Baldwin
Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer